i saradnici

Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Filozofski fakultet
Odsek za psihologiju
dr Tanja Jevremov
Odabrana bibliografija
Bibliografija preuzeta iz baze Scopus 84 citat(a)
Rahaman S., Govil P., Khan D. & Jevremov T.D. (2024). A 30-year bibliometric assessment and visualisation of emotion regulation research: applying network analysis and cluster analysis. Information Discovery and Delivery, 52, 1, 85-100. 1
Jevremov T. & Pajić D. (2024). Bayesian method in psychology: A bibliometric analysis. Current Psychology, 43, 10, 8644-8654. 1
Sitarević A. (2024). Mixed-mode Emergency Learning: Engineering Students Experience. International Journal of Engineering Education, 40, 2, 268-281 0
Gellér Z., Milin D., Jevremov T., Nedeljković D.V. & Ivanović M. (2023). Non-ICT Students’ Familiarity with Basic Computer Concepts at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Novi Sad. Informacios Tarsadalom, 23, 2, 25-47. 0
Pajić D., Babić A. & Jevremov T. (2023). Open Access Practice in Personality Research: a Bibliometric Perspective. Primenjena Psihologija, 16, 4, 553-580. 0
Dinić B.M. & Jevremov T. (2021). Trends in research related to the Dark Triad: A bibliometric analysis. Current Psychology, 40, 7, 3206-3215. 40
Gellér Z., Jevremov T., Bala K., Nedeljković D.V. & Ivanović M. (2021). Non-ICT Students’ Familiarity with Basic Internet Services and Tools at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University in Novi Sad. Informacios Tarsadalom, 21, 4, 38-66. 1
Pajić D., Jevremov T. & Škorić M. (2019). Publication and citation patterns in the social sciences and humanities: A national perspective. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 44, 1, 67-94. 12
Pajić D. & Jevremov T. (2015). Promotions, tenures, and publication behaviours: Serbian example. Proceedings of ISSI 2015 Istanbul: 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, 602-603 1
Pajić D. & Jevremov T. (2014). Globally national - locally international: Bibliometric analysis of a SEE psychology journal. Psihologija, 47, 2, 263-277. 24
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+381 21 458 948

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dr Bojana Bodroža (2. godina)
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dr Ilija Milovanović
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Mirjana Ćeran
+381 21 485 3971

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Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu