1. Ko nema u vuglu ima u Guglu

Google kao istraživački projekat
Google kao (jedna od) kompanija - abc.xyz
Google je postao neminovnost koja nas je možda učinila "plićima"...

"Every click we make on the Web marks a break in our concentration, a bottom-up disruption of our attention - and it's in Google's economic interest to make sure we click as often as possible. The last thing the company wants is to encourage leisurely reading or slow, concentrated thought. Google is, quite literally, in the business of distraction."

"Every medium develops some cognitive skills at the expense of others. Our growing use of screen-based media has strengthened visual-spatial intelligence, which can improve the ability to do jobs that involve keeping track of lots of simultaneous signals, like air traffic control. But that has been accompanied by new weaknesses in higher-order cognitive processes, including abstract vocabulary, mindfulness, reflection, inductive problem solving, critical thinking, and imagination.

...a možda nam je i poboljšala intelektualne sposobnosti.

"Google is founded around the science of measurement. Subjective judgments, including aesthetic ones, don't enter into Google's calculations. In one famous trial, the company tested forty-one different shades of blue on its toolbar to see which shade drew the most clicks from visitors."

Činjenica je da nam omogućava lak pristup ogromnim količinama podataka i informacija, ali kako da znamo kojim izvorima da verujemo?

2. Kredibilitet veb sajtova

:: Četiri vrste kredibiliteta (CAPTology)

Pretpostavljeni kredibilitet?

Veb stranice na engleskom koje sadrže termin digital natives
Veb stranice na srpskom koje sadrže termin digital natives

Malo o preciznosti pretrage...

Veb stranice koje sadrže neke termine...
Veb stranice koje sadrže neku sintagmu...
Veb stranice u okviru akademskog domena koje sadrže sintagmu roditeljski stil

PDF i DOC fajlovi koji sadrže sintagmu roditeljski stil
Reči koje su u blizini: "mental evaluation" ili "mental * evaluation"

Stečeni kredibilitet?

Veb stranice sa naučnim informacijama u okviru RS domena koje sadrže sintagmu roditeljski stil

Reči koje ne želim: attachment behavior child ili attachment behavior -child
Reči koje jako želim: attachment behavior partners ili attachment behavior partners partners partners

3. Šta nudi Google (Scholar)?

Da li su naučne publikacije besplatne?
Da li je objavljivanje naučnih publikacija besplatno ili nije?
Da li su metapodaci o naučnim publikacijama besplatni?

Odakle Google Scholaru podaci?
 · Web prezentacije časopisa
 · Bibliografske baze i agregatori - KoBSON, CIT-UNS, obilaznica
 · Repozitorijumi naučnih ustanova
     ResearchGate nije repozitorijum!
     Stanje u Srbiji

Šta se dešava kada nema metapodataka?

U poslednje vreme jača tzv. open access inicijativa slobodnog pristupa znanju.
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."

How does pupils' emotional coping develop within learning situations during primary school years? Google Google Scholar Platinum
Psychological distress, anxiety, family violence, suicidality, and wellbeing in New Zealand during the COVID-19 lockdown   Google Scholar Gold
Measurement model for assessing the diffusion of e-business and e-marketing   Google Scholar Gold?
  TTEM  Original  
Generalization of Contextual Fear in Humans   Google Scholar Hybrid
On the psychology of extremism: How motivational imbalance breeds intemperance   Google Scholar Green

4. Šta možemo da zakjljučimo na osnovu pretrage autora?

Najcitiraniji autor iz Srbije?
Najcitiraniji autor iz Serbie?
Najcitiraniji psiholog (afilijacija)?
Najcitiraniji psiholog (ključna reč)?
Najcitiraniji autor koji se bavi predrasudama?
Najcitiraniji profesor industrijske psihologije?

Da li je "publish of perish" psihološki fenomen?

Prednost za autore van zapadnih zemalja ili "information pollution"?
Recenzentski postupak (SCIgen, Article generators, Ike Antkare, Sokal affair, Mikijev zabavnik)
Retrakcija članaka (Primer, Retraction Watch)
Lista Džefrija Bila

5. Umesto zaključka

Da li postoje "digitalni urođenici"?
Da li su umetnici i naučnici postali "plitki"?
Googling -> Scholaring
Da li je Google Scholar demokratizovao nauku?